Portfolio Class in Mumbai By Galaxy Media Institute


The first step to enter glamour industry is to have a professional portfolio done. First Impression is the Last Impression. This holds particularly true in the Entertainment, Media & Glamour Industry. The first thing that catches your eye when you look at a person is his or her face. Likewise, with the help of a Professional Portfolio, making a good first impression on AD/Film Maker would be much easier than you have thought.

Professional Portfolio is a real step forward for presenting yourself which allows you to showcase yourself in a way that sets you apart from the crowd. It is like a Passport to modelling/acting industry as every AD/Film Maker wanted to see how photogenic and perfect your face is for the Film/AD role. A good portfolio gives a chance to the client or agency to visualise that model/actor in their forthcoming AD/Film shoot, so that they can choose him/her accordingly

A good portfolio shot by a professional not only enhances your chance of getting a good break in Ads and Film industry but also gives you a right start and confidence. Since, Portfolio is your first step to enter into the glamour world it has to be handled very carefully. It should highlight your talent, looks/beauty, moods, expressions and emotions.

Portfolio is a set of professionally clicked pictures/videos of a model/actor in various dresses, looks, acts, make-up and expressions. A picture is worth a thousand words. Similarly a right clicked portfolio creates a great impact in the minds of AD/Film Makers.

We strongly believe that behind every successful model/actor there is a good Portfolio and a reliable agency, other than - of course the Model’s / Actor’s talent, determination and hard work.